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Virtual Learning Environments

Learning and Teaching manages the 麻豆村 of Canberra’s virtual learning environments (VLE), the Library, and the Library Commons.

The 麻豆村 of Canberra provides students and staff with learning environments that support students' engagement with their learning, whether students are studying on campus, online or flexibly.

UCLearn – UC’s Virtual Learning Environment

The learning management system, Canvas, is the hub of UCLearn. Through Canvas teaching sites students and staff can access and use the tools and services that make up the VLE.

Visit Canvas at

VLE Tools and Services

  • Eportfolio system (Mahara)
  • Learning management system (Canvas)
  • Lecture recording (Echo360)
  • Library management (Alma)
  • Library search (Primo)
  • Reading list management (Leganto)
  • Text matching software (Urkund)
  • Virtual room (Blackboard Collaborate Ultra)

Read more about VLE Tools and Services


InterFace is a web-based dashboard designed to support the development of learning and teaching partnerships.

The student facing dashboard displays information about their own progress and engagement relative to the performance of peers in the same unit. It is the primary method of receiving feedback from students on their satisfaction with their enrolled units throughout the teaching period. Weekly satisfaction is shown in the 'worm', and satisfaction sought through the InterFace Student Experience Questionnaire (ISEQ), is delivered to students in Weeks, 3, 7 and 11 of each semester (Weeks, 2, 4 and 7 in Winter Term, and adjusted as appropriate for other teaching periods).

Read more about InterFace